Jockey Hollow is the location of our April trip. Located in Morristown National Historical Park, Jockey Hollow is an easy 35 minute drive down Rt. 287. Rich in history, Jockey Hollow was the location General Washington selected for his encampment in the cold winter of 1777. Through skillful selection (or wonderful coincidence), this is Encampment Weekend at Jockey Hollow, and the hills and hollows will resound with the calls and explosions of authentic civil war life. Be well rested, the Patriot’s Path Council offers a Trail Medal to those scouts who complete the 10 mile hike, answer a few questions while on the trail, and complete a 250-word essay. This should be a terrific outing!
To register – Use the form at this link.
To pay – Use the form at this link
We will meet at OLPH’s lower parking lot at 5:30 PM on Friday, April 19. We’ll cook dinner there, but it will be a bit late, so have a snack before arriving.
After a filling breakfast on Saturday morning, we’ll make sandwiches for the trail on Saturday, as we’ll not be back to the camp until late in the afternoon. We will have dinner in camp on Saturday evening.
Sunday Morning, we will awaken, pack, and eat breakfast. Sunday plans are not final; those who wish to earn the Trail Medal may stop at the George Washington museum in Morristown. More on that later. Worst case, we’ll arrive back in Oakland early Sunday afternoon.
$20 per camper – includes camp fees at Jockey Hollow plus meals
We will be tenting!
Layered clothing appropriate for the weather. It is still early in the year, and evenings will be cold.
Prepare for rain – we will forge on regardless!
Sleeping bag
Mess kit – no paper goods will be provided!
Toiletries – latrines are all we’ll have in the camp site
Although a pack is helpful, for this trip, a duffel bag is sufficient. We will have the Troop trailer with us
Cooking will split between group cooking and patrol cooking
More information will come from the Patrol Leaders
Allowed on this trip only with parent participation. However, we will be covering a lot of ground on Saturday – over 10 miles …
RSVP and Payment Due by Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Summer Camp at Turrell – 2013
Ready to go? Fill out the Sign Up Form
For payment, use this Payment Form
– If you are attending multiple Council Camp experiences, refer to this Camper Sampler form for pricing information
All Scouts and Parents must agree and sign the Troop Behavior Policy
Dates to remember:
March 15 – Campership applications due to NNJ Council
April 1 – Registration opens on website for merit badge signups
April 8 – Early bird deadline (fees go up $50.00 after this date!)
July 28 – August 3th – Summer Camp!!!
Camp Fees:
Important Note: Do not make payments directly to the council; All Payments will be handled through Troop 49 to reduce additional accounting work on both sides.
Through our fundraising efforts, Troop 49 is able to give each scout a $30 credit for use for one NNJC Summer Camp weeks at either Floodwood or Turrell.
Full price
Less $30 troop subsidy
Bottom line – If you’re not going to Floodwood, and you pay by April 8, the cost is $325.
Camp Information:
As we get closer to camp time, information including the 2012 Summer Camp Leader’s Guide, Medical forms and Merit Badge class signups will be posted on the Northern New Jersey Council Website at:
Merit Badge Class registration – When the form to register for merit badges goes on line, each scout attending camp must go through and sign up for classes during each session of the day. Please make sure that when you go through this process, you select the correct camp week that we will be there:
Session 4 (Week 4) July 28 to August 3
If you have any other questions, contact Mr. Tendai Richards at
Jockey Hollow – Morristown National Historical Park – April 19-21, 2013
Jockey Hollow is the location of our April trip. Located in Morristown National Historical Park, Jockey Hollow is an easy 35 minute drive down Rt. 287. Rich in history, Jockey Hollow was the location General Washington selected for his encampment in the cold winter of 1777. Through skillful selection (or wonderful coincidence), this is Encampment Weekend at Jockey Hollow, and the hills and hollows will resound with the calls and explosions of authentic civil war life. Be well rested, the Patriot’s Path Council offers a Trail Medal to those scouts who complete the 10 mile hike, answer a few questions while on the trail, and complete a 250-word essay. This should be a terrific outing!
To register – Use the form at this link.
To pay – Use the form at this link
We will meet at OLPH’s lower parking lot at 5:30 PM on Friday, April 19. We’ll cook dinner there, but it will be a bit late, so have a snack before arriving.
After a filling breakfast on Saturday morning, we’ll make sandwiches for the trail on Saturday, as we’ll not be back to the camp until late in the afternoon. We will have dinner in camp on Saturday evening.
Sunday Morning, we will awaken, pack, and eat breakfast. Sunday plans are not final; those who wish to earn the Trail Medal may stop at the George Washington museum in Morristown. More on that later. Worst case, we’ll arrive back in Oakland early Sunday afternoon.
$20 per camper – includes camp fees at Jockey Hollow plus meals
We will be tenting!
Layered clothing appropriate for the weather. It is still early in the year, and evenings will be cold.
Prepare for rain – we will forge on regardless!
Sleeping bag
Mess kit – no paper goods will be provided!
Toiletries – latrines are all we’ll have in the camp site
Although a pack is helpful, for this trip, a duffel bag is sufficient. We will have the Troop trailer with us
Cooking will split between group cooking and patrol cooking
More information will come from the Patrol Leaders
Allowed on this trip only with parent participation. However, we will be covering a lot of ground on Saturday – over 10 miles …
RSVP and Payment Due by Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Camp Glen Gray Merit Badge Fair – Mahwah NJ, May 17-19, 2013
The annual Glen Gray Merit Badge Fair provides a tremendous local opportunity for scouts to earn merit badges. Well prepared scouts can come away with a couple of signed Blue Cards. Other can get partials, and be well on the way to completion. You will also capture another night of camping toward advancement.
To register, you must send the program organizers an email (read instructions below) AND also complete the Troop Registration form located at this link: Troop Registration Form
Please find the Payment Page at this link: Payment Page
Participation requires an overnight stay on Friday night. Scouts wishing to pursue the Astronomy badge will require a late night on Saturday, which will require a parent to attend. The following merit badges will be offered:
Badges offered
Max 10
Max 10
Max 10
Max 10
Max 10
Max 12
Max 10
Max 12
Max 8
Max 10
Max 12
Max 12
Max 12
Your counselor will be given your e-mail address, expect to hear from him/her by April 15th
Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Register right away …
Please email this information to and carbon copy Mr. Leymeister at
Scout’s Name ___________________ of Troop 49, Oakland, NJ
E-mail ______________________________________________Phone number ________________________________
Badges and session:
After April 1 we will reserve our campsite, any open spots after that will be first-come, first-served based on availability.
$ 12.00 to be paid to Camp Glen Gray Merit badge Fair in advance for the Scout attending.
A $5.00 fee for the scout will be paid to Troop 49 along with a $17 fee for attendance at the merit badge fair for an adult who is either staying over or just for the day. The merit badge fair fee is separate this year.
The merit badge fair takes place rain or shine. We will be tenting either on the ground or on platforms, depending on what is available. Clothing should be appropriate for the weather. We have a lovely campsite, but it is up on a ridge and requires a bit of a hike. Bring only the equipment which you require. A backpack is strongly encouraged.
Friday night: arrive having eaten dinner, or bring a brown bag dinner with you. We will have a snack late in the evening. Saturday, we will cook breakfast and lunch in camp. If you need to cook one or meals for advancement, this is your opportunity to step up and make it happen!
There are no siblings for this trip.
Payment due to Mr. Peter Foley by April 1st
We will assemble at the OLPH lower parking lot and depart at 5:30 PM. We will assemble after the Merit Badge Fair 4:00 PM for transfer of information and what each scout has accomplished.
Flag Raising Ceremony:
For any scout that needs to participate in a flag raising ceremony, Troop 49 will be performing this Saturday morning. Please let me know if your scout would like to participate.
Eagle Candidates and New Eagle Scouts
Eagle Candidates
Life to Eagle process – Please review this Life to Eagle Document for your preparation for the rank of Eagle Scout. It contains many different things you must do in order to complete the requirements for the Rank of Eagle Scout.
Advancement Records – The troop Advancement Chairperson keeps records of all your activities, although you may also want to keep your own copy as well. For your convenience, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is available for you to record your activities and progress. To download the template, right-mouse button click on this Advancement Tracker Spreadsheet link, and select “Save target as”. Save the file to your local computer, and you can edit the file in Microsoft Excel.
Eagle Scouts
Congratulations!!! Now that you’ve completed your Trail to Eagle, the troop needs to prepare for your ceremony. There are a number of things to prepare for on your side, as well. Please review the following information, complete the questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact our Eagle Ceremony coordinator, Mrs. Peggy Cameron at
Ceremony Choices – All ceremonies contain the Eagle Oath and Eagle Charge. When you let Mrs. Cameron know which script you would like to use, she will work with you to “fill in the blanks” on participation roles, dignitaries, etc.
Invitation Template (added 01/15/12) – Families are obligated to print their own invitations. The troop will announce the Eagle Ceremony in the weekly Pathfinder Email, and the troop will also handle the invitation of dignitaries to the events. Dignitaries include the President of the United States on down to our local Mayor and Council of Oakland.
For your convenience, a Microsoft Word 2010 document template is available, formatted to the size and layout of the Eagle Ceremony invitation card stock available through BSA Supply which can be purchased at the scout shop in Oakland, or at To download the template, right-mouse button click on this Invitation Template link, and select “Save target as”. Save the file to your local computer, and you can edit the file in Microsoft Word 2010.
March 7, 2013 – Ski/Board/Snowtube at Campgaw, Mahwah, NJ
Skiing, Snowboarding and Tubing – Campgaw Mountain, Mahwah NJ
Come and have a ball with your fellow scouts at Campgaw Mountain from 5 PM to 8 PM next Thursday, March 7. Ski/ride with buddies; swap stories about your epic run as you ride the lifts together. Enjoy a fun evening of skiing/riding/tubing. If you’ve never skied, this is a low cost, low risk, way to get started. It’s easy and it’s local – it doesn’t get much simpler. If you’ve skied it all, this is a chance to kick back and make a night of fun memories with your fellow scouts.
Signup Form
Campgaw Pay Form
Campgaw Waiver/Rental Form
After 3/3, we will release our ticket block, and the event will be first-come, first-served based on general availability.
$12 Tubing
$10 Skiing
$15 Rental (Optional)
$15 Lesson (Optional) Lessons are offered at 5:00 PM. Scouts only at this rate.
Layered cold weather clothing, for an evening outside
Food will not be provided. If you plan to eat at the ski area, you should bring some additional spending money or a bag meal.
Siblings are welcome with parental attendance
RSVP and Sunday, March 3, 2013. Payment Due by Thursday, March 7 prior to participation.
Wilderness First Aid Training
This 16 hour Wilderness First Aid curriculum is offered by New Jersey Search & Rescue (NJSAR), and fulfills the requirements of BSA Wilderness First Aid. Richard Savino is the coordinator of this class and will be assisted by members of NJSAR.
All classes will be taught at the NJSAR headquarters located at the Ramapo Reservation County Park, Route 202 in Mahwah NJ. Evening sessions are 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM and the weekend sessions are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The weekend session is outdoors for much of the day and participants are required to bring lunch, appropriate clothing and a typical pack and first aid supplies.
CPR is a prerequisite for this course and is not included in the curriculum.
There are two sessions with staggered dates. Please register for session A or B. They can accommodate a limited number of people who may have to swap class due to work commitments. Please identify the session you wish to attend. You must attend in numerical order. Textbooks will be distributed on the first day of class. NJSAR may cancel or combine the classes if registration is less than twelve. A written test and practical exam is required at the conclusion of the course.
Class A1: Monday, April 15, 2013
Class A2: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Class A3: Saturday, April 27, 2013
Class B1: Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Class B2: Thursday, April 25, 2013
Class B3: Sunday, April 28, 2013
The cost is $85, and payment will confirm your reservation in the class.
Please print and complete the signup form at this link, and send it with a check payable to “NJSAR” to:
Rick Savino, 161 No. Franklin Tpke., Ramsey, NJ 07446
Questions and registrations should be directed to Rick Savino,
First Aid & CPR Training
April 13, 2013, from 9AM – 4PM
Location: Oakland First Aid Squad, 285 Ramapo Valley Rd. Oakland, NJ 07436
Space is limited to 18 seats. Sign up by March 22, 2013 on a first come, first served basis. Please bring a brown bag lunch
Click here to sign up
Send payment of $15 per participant, payable to “Oakland First Aid Squad” due by March 22, 2013, to: Rob Dente, 23 Loyola Place, Oakland, NJ 07436.
Contact Rob Dente at or 201-679-8217 with questions.
Ramapo Mountains Camping at Camp Glen Gray – March 2013
Ramapo Mountains Camping – Camp Glen Gray, NJ
March 1-3, 2013
Click here for Signup Form
Click here for Payment form
Hiking, cooking, and advancement activities – that’s the short summary for this weekend’s cabin camping outing. The Patrol Leaders are planning a fun weekend of activities scouts enjoy most, and that provide opportunities for advancement.
We will depart for Glen Gray on Friday night about 6:00 PM. Plan to have eaten before we depart, or bring along a portable dinner to eat after arrival. We’ll have a snack later in evening after we get settled. On Saturday, we may have a hike or trail maintenance opportunity – plans are still in development – and there will be opportunity to earn Firem’n Chit and Tot’n Chip certificates, as well as many other requirements. For more senior scouts, there will be plenty of opportunity to use the EDGE method to teach skills to new scouts.
We’ll plan to wrap up on Sunday about 11:00.
The Ramapo Mountains are a beautiful backdrop for outdoor adventure, and located right in our neighborhood. This trip will depend on the weather, and we will curtail the hiking portion of the trip if the ground is snow covered or icy.
$30 per camper – includes camp fees at Glen Gray plus food
Layered cold weather clothing, prepared for snow or rain
Sleeping bag
Mess kit
Although a pack is helpful, for this trip, a duffel bag is sufficient.
Tent camping is available only with prior approval from the Scoutmaster
Cooking will split between group cooking and patrol cooking
More information will come from the Patrol Leaders
No siblings allowed on this trip
RSVP and Payment Due by Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Click here for Signup Form
Click here for Payment form
NNJC Camper Sampler Program – 2013
The Northern New Jersey Council Camper Sampler program is being offered once again this year, which allows scouts attending multiple camp experiences to benefit from a discount in pricing. This program is offered to scouts attending summer camp programs hosted through the Northern New Jersey Council, including Philmont, Jamboree, Floodwood, and Camp Turrell. It DOES NOT include NYLT.
The details are outlined in the PDF file located here.Camper Sampler PDF File
Troop 49 Court Of Honor & Potluck Dinner
Date: Friday, February 1, 2013 Place: Valley Middle School Cafeteria
Arrival: 6:00 pm till 6:20 pm
Pot luck Supper: 6:30 pm till 7:45 pm
Court of Honor: 7:45 pm till 9:00 pm
Register at this link
Class A Uniform is required of all Scouts. You are welcome to attend the Court of Honor Ceremony at 7:45pm whether or not you cannot attend the potluck dinner. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles or those that would like to share in your Scout’s achievements are welcome.
Please bring your favorite family salad, side dish, bread or main course – enough to feed your family and share with others. Dishes that need to be kept heated should be brought in either a ½ tray or full tray so they may be placed in the chafing racks. So we do not have too much of one item, please let us know what you are bringing as well as the number of people attending. Troop 49 will be providing drinks and dessert.
Please note: Registered Troop 49 Scouts may attend individually. All other minors must be accompanied by an adult.