If the return value is not provided, the default is 0. Syntax1: This syntax uses INSERT function with the column name of the SQL table: SELECT INSERT(Column_Name, Position, Number, Sub-string) AS Alias_Name FROM Table_Name;

. Now call the emp_function to return the table record. The function uses a RETURN statement to return this value to the environment in which the function is called. Inline functions do not have associated return variables. Method 2: Using the quote indent function. Note that this only works on … OUTPUT 2: Here, we changed the marks variable to 42, and the expression evaluated to FALSE. Specifically, table functions are used in the FROM clause of a SQL statement. Table functions are the user-defined functions that we create to return a result in the form of table data type. Returning table data type means the function will return a set of rows. In this section, we will learn how to execute a table function in SQL Server with the use of parameters. This is not going to work: INSERT INTO @result (City) Our function takes a number as a parameter. SQL Create DB SQL Drop DB SQL Backup DB SQL Create Table SQL Drop Table SQL Alter Table SQL Constraints SQL Not Null SQL Unique SQL Primary Key SQL Foreign Key SQL Check SQL Default SQL Index SQL Auto Increment SQL Dates SQL Views ... function returns a value if a condition is TRUE, or another value if a condition is FALSE. CREATE FUNCTION function_name (parameters) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN [ ( ] select_stmt [ ) ]. The function uses a SELECT statement to select the balance column from the row identified by the argument acc_no in the orders table. This code is illegal as you cannot execute stored procedure from a function ( read the documentation [ ^ ]): SQL. We will use the employees and departments table from the sample … Using the function. Each function you create in MySQL must have at least one RETURN statement, though it can have more than one RETURN statement if there are multiple exit points in the function. It evaluates the first argument and returns the second argument if the first argument is true; otherwise, it returns the third argument. We can avoid displaying NULL in the output by using the IF function to return N/A instead of NULL. In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), expand Programmability > Stored Procedures, right click a stored procedure and select Execute Stored Procedure. Syntax. In this case, the function requires the genre ID to be passed in as an argument. Similar to a procedure, a PL/SQL function is a reusable program unit stored as a schema object in the Oracle Database.The following illustrates the syntax for … Syntax1: This syntax uses the FORMAT function with the column name of the SQL table: SELECT FORMAT (Column_Name, format) AS Alias_Name FROM Table_Name; SELECT FORMAT (Column_Name, format) AS Alias_Name FROM Table_Name; In the syntax, we have to specify the name of those columns whose values we want to FORMAT. A multi-statement table-valued function or MSTVF is a table-valued function that returns the result of multiple statements. So we use the CAST() method available in SQL. The fourth row gets the rank 4 because the RANK() function skips the rank 3.. In order to get the cardinality estimation, I hover my mouse on the Table Scan [TEST_MTVF] operator. With collections and the table () function, a function can return a table that can be queried in an SQL statement. This is demonstrated in the following example. First, we need to create a record type. Example #1. Also: Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter Accept Solution Reject Solution. The return value must be of the CHAR(4) type. In order to use the function's returned value as a table in a SQL statement, we have to enclose the function within the table()statement. From the SQL's perspective, the table(…)construct behaves as though it were an actual table. select * from table(return_table); Write an anonymous block which calls your function created in Question 7a and prints to the DBMS output (where # is the value returned from the function) The highest order total is: #. RETURN Statement. Then, you can just join to the results. Either you have all the values as scalar SQL variabl... For example:

In this syntax, we have to specify the name of that column whose values we want to modify.

. The function uses a RETURN statement to return this value to the environment in which the function is called. But the implementation is a bit different -- here we have not declared a BIT variable. What can a SQL developer do to modify this table function is providing input parameters and defining the return table type in detail. If a procedure tries to return a null value (for example, using RETURN @status when @status is NULL), a warning message is generated and a value of 0 is returned. By default, it returns 0, if you execute any stored procedure successfully. The COALESCE function is used as an alternative to the ISNULL() function or the CASE statement. Return Types. Inline Table-Valued and Multi-Statement Table … RETURNS @result TABLE Write a PL/SQL function which finds the highest total order and returns this value as a result from the function. Let's look at an example that uses the IF function to test the value of a field in a table. A function can be used as a part of SQL expression i.e. Sample table: purchase. SELECT EmailAddress FROM person.contact WHERE upper (EmailAddress) like 'AS%'. (NULL, NULL, 'A', 'B', '1', '2') Why use the COALESCE Function. you guessed it! At first, we should add a new column to the Production.ScrapReason and update the values. Example 2: Using Multiple String in generating Dynamic SQL. The IIF() function accepts three arguments. Note that the function returns a table to the caller. Do not specify the same name more than once. The following example creates an inline table-valued function to return some key information on modules, filtering by the objectType parameter. With the IF statement, we first check a condition. In SQL Server, it’s possible to update data via a table-valued function.. What I mean is, you can update data in the underlying tables that the function queries. When called, it performs actions, such as reading a SQL table and returns a result as output. That’s why print inside the Sql If Statement display’s the Message output. Imposes conditions on the execution of a Transact-SQL statement. For example, if your function returns someone’s first name from a table, you can update their first name by running an UPDATE statement against the function instead of the table.. The output of a table-valued function is a recordset, hence you can join the function with tables. The function created in the preceding example can be used in a SQL statement. Syntax of INSERT String Function. However, you cannot use function f in a sql statement. In order to use the function's returned value as a table in a SQL statement, we have to enclose the function within the table() statement. The statement_block are Transact-SQL statements that are executed based upon Boolean_expression. A field with a NULL value is the same as one that has no value. The Transact-SQL statement that follows an IF keyword and its condition is executed if the condition is satisfied: the Boolean expression returns TRUE. In the simple (non-set) case, the first row of the last query's result will be returned. Calling a scalar function. ... SQL Server Multi-Statement Table-Valued User Defined Function (UDF) Example. If you are using a more modern version of SQL, it is useful to know that SQL Server 2012 introduced the very handy IIF function. @number INT Example: Print the String value. SELECT emp_function (1); -- To get record of the user whose id is 1. There are quite a few related answers with more details here on dba.SE. The function uses a SELECT statement to select the balance column from the row identified by the argument acc_no in the orders table. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. Creating an inline table-valued function (iTVF) The iTVF has not included BEGIN/END block in their syntax and the SELECT statement is the output of this type of functions and this is the finest detail of the iTVF. Record type. SQL Server DROP FUNCTION – a simple example. The create function statement needs to be invoked just once in the database environment from which you run the solution. It includes a default value to return all modules when the function is called with the DEFAULT parameter. IF @table_name = 'orders'. IF ( condition ) THEN statement END IF; Note that the conditionals, and other statements, are written in all caps, in SQL. A user-defined SQL Server function is a Transact-SQL program that accepts parameters as input. Here is another example where the UPPER clause is used to transform the EmailAddress into upper case before evaluating the data. IF function with the SUM function. The RETURN statement can also be used to terminate a LOOP and then exit with the function result. We need to directly return the calculated BIT value based on condition. Example 4: Using dynamic SQL inside PostgreSQL function. In the execute procedure page, enter the parameter @CustID value as 10 and click OK. ... to look at a multi-statement table-valued function. In the code, you can see the third IF statement is started after the second BEGIN keyword. It returns the following T-SQL statement with a variable @return_value. You call a scalar function like a built-in function. In inline table-valued functions, the TABLE return value is defined through a single SELECT statement. Being a multi-statement table-valued function, I can include multiple statements in the function’s definition. In this section, I am going to explain how to insert the output of a table-valued function in a SQL table using T-SQL. Syntax to create a function: function which will compute and return the reverse of a number. SELECT * FROM sto_orders; ELSE. 35.4. In the above output, we can see the record of the user whose id is 1. Examples: Azure Synapse Analytics A. Again the EmailAddress is indexed. Otherwise, if the condition is FALSE, the IF function will return 6000. The return status value can be included in subsequent Transact-SQL statements in the batch or procedure that executed the current procedure, but it must be entered in the following form: EXECUTE … Postgresql function return table record. MySQL IF Function - Condition includes Field. Hello All, Can I use conditional logic in a function that returns a table? T-SQL (SS2K8) If/Then in table valued functions; ... 50 pm #276353 . For an inlined SQL scalar function, only a single expression can be specified in the RETURN statement, and the expression must not include a scalar fullselect. SELECT * FROM sto_emp_salary_paid; END ; END ; GO. Create a Scalar Function. Now, let’s look at the syntax of creating an inline table-valued function in SQL Server. In multistatement table-valued functions, @return_variable is a TABLE variable used to store and accumulate the rows that should be returned as the value of the function. It picks the columns au_id, au_lname etc., from the authors table.As this is the only statement in the function body, we call this function as an In-Line Table-Valued function.

In this syntax, we have to specify the name of that column whose values we want to modify.

. IIF is a shorthand method for performing an IF...ELSE/CASE statement and returning one of two values, depending on the evaluation of the result. Description. In Postgresql, the function can return a table using the execute the command within a function, with help of executing the command, we can generate dynamic commands that can inset or fetch different kinds of information from the table, with different data types each time they are executed. Read: Postgresql current_timestamp. SQL functions execute an arbitrary list of SQL statements, returning the result of the last query in the list. TABLE Specifies that the return value of the table-valued function (TVF) is a table. [age](@set varchar(10)) RETURNS @Players TABLE ( -- Put the players table definition here ) AS BEGIN IF (@set = 'tall') INSERT INTO @Players SELECT * from player where height > 180 ELSE IF (@set = 'average') INSERT INTO @Players SELECT * from player where height >= 155 and height <=175 ELSE IF (@set = 'low') INSERT INTO @Players … using if statement in sql function. Execution resumes with the statement following the subprogram call. ) It evaluates the first argument and returns the second argument if the first argument is true; otherwise, it returns the third argument. Firsname NVARCHAR(50), Up. How about a simpler table valued function, that calculates product and quotient of 2 integers: CREATE FUNCTION fn_CalcProductQuotient( @Value1 INT, @Value2 INT) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT @Value1 * @Value2 AS [Product] ,@Value1 / @Value2 AS [Quotient] ); Make sure to use an inline user-defined function. ( A multi-statement table-valued udf returns a rowset populated by two or more T-SQL statements from within the udf. These are inline and multi-statement table-valued functions. Syntax of INSERT String Function. SELECT id,name, social + math + science AS total, IF(social + math + science > 200, 'Pass','Fail') AS Result FROM student3; This example uses the FORMAT function with the table in Structured Query Language. From the SQL's perspective, the table (…) construct behaves as though it were an actual table. The RETURN statement can be used in a function to create an exit point. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server IIF() function to add if-else logic to queries.. Introduction to SQL Server IIF() function. In this example: First, declare two variables @x and @y and set their values to 10 and 20 respectively: DECLARE @x INT = 10 , @y INT = 20; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Second, the output IF statement check if @x is greater than zero. This SQL statement changes the format of the id of each worker. The SQL syntax to call a function is different from the call to a stored procedure. In order to use the function's returned value as a table in a SQL statement, we have to enclose the function within the table () statement. Such UDFs are called tabular UDFs, table UDFs, or, most frequently, UDTFs (user-defined table functions). Using the IIF Function. You can limit the results further by also specifying the procedure name in the WHERE clause and by specifying which column or columns to return. One most important characteristic of a function is that unlike procedures, it must return a value. CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Show Copy Code. For information about scalar SQL UDFs, see Scalar SQL UDFs. This code is illegal as you cannot execute stored procedure from a function ( read the documentation [ ^ ]): SQL. Here is query below. Example 3: Using SQL Identifier in Dynamic SQL. It then uses this argument in the queries in order to return the relevant data. The initial value (variable @return_value) is initially set to ‘same’.If the parameter (variable @long) is greater than 0, we’re ‘east’ from London, and if it’s less than 0, we’re ‘west’ of London. Accept Solution Reject Solution. RETURN statement in SQL procedures RETURN statement in SQL procedures The RETURN statement is used to unconditionally and immediately end an SQL procedure by returning the flow of control to the caller of the stored procedure. A create function statement creates a function named ufn_SalesByStore. A scalar function returns a single value each time it is invoked, and is generally valid wherever an SQL expression is valid. You only used NVL in Oracle; it is not available in MySQL or SQL Server. The first, and most important is that unlike stored procedures, table-valued functions do not accept output parameters. insert into @t exec Sp_GetDailyRentalFullDataForView. A table function can be used in a FROM clause and returns a table. CROSS APPLY operator invokes the table-valued function for each row of the Production.ScrapReason and populates the result set if the table-valued function returns a result. In the following example, the scalar valued function returns the concatenated string values separated by ‘,’ for a specified ‘City’ input. Method 1: Using the format function. In this article, I am going to discuss the Multi-Statement Table Valued Function in SQL Server with Examples. Combine two SELECT statements and returns rows from the first SELECT statement that are not returned by the second SELECT statement: ... returns all rows from the left table, and the matching rows from the right table: LENGTH: Example 2 – Add Schema Binding Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the SQL Server IIF() function to add if-else logic to queries.. Introduction to SQL Server IIF() function. we can use them with select/update/merge commands. ... the function should return a Decimal (38.0) because the results are quite large and can not be contained in an integer from 12! Lastname NVARCHAR(50),... Here is the syntax. You can't technically return "a table", but you can return a result set and using INSERT INTO ..EXEC ... syntax, you can clearly call a PROC and store the results into a table type. Code: SELECT book_id, book_name, IF(pub_lang IS NULL,'N/A',pub_lang) AS "Pub. In this example, we will show you the default return value returned by the SQL Server. To define a multi-statement table-valued function, you use a table variable as the return value. You Failed Better Luck Next Time. Read: Postgresql current_timestamp. RETURNS TABLE Specifies the output table of the function. A table function is a function that can be invoked inside the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. Scalar user-defined function and SQL Coalesce function. Note: There is also an IF statement which differs from the IF () function described here. IF Function in MySQL Query. A user-defined function is created to return a string specific to the provided input and then the output is grouped using a grouping clause. In our case, Fahrenheit is the column name. A UDTF can be accessed in the FROM clause of a query. The TVFs can be categorized into two types. In this case, the function requires a pet name be passed in as an argument. IF () returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used. The TVFs can be categorized into two types. In the above output, we can see the record of the user whose id is 1. BEGIN & END statement helps SQL Server to identify the start & end of the SQL statement that needs to be executed. Output: To print the value stored in the @string variable, we need the following code: declare @String varchar (30) set @String='Hello World' Print @String. See Create an Inline Table-Valued Function for examples of adding options such as schema binding and encryption. Prominently: How to use function parameters in dynamic SQL with EXECUTE? TABLE Specifies that the return value of the table-valued function (TVF) is a table. This string function of Structured Query Language changes the format of the given text. In a table, a NULL value is a value in a field that appears to be empty. Each function you create in MySQL must have at least one RETURN statement, though it can have more than one RETURN statement if there are multiple exit points in the function. For this SQL stored procedure return output demonstration, We are going to use the below-shown SQL table. In MSTVFs, function_body is a series of Transact-SQL statements that populate a TABLE return variable. Example 1: Using Single String in generating Dynamic SQL. Assume the number of parameters is N. There must be no more than 1025-N columns. Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to true. In case 3, we have the same problem statement like we are trying to find out whether the student is a B.Tech candidate or not. We can see that the query plan for this also does an index scan versus an index seek. mysql> SELECT IF (100<200, 'yes', 'no'); Result: 'yes' In this IF function example, the condition is 100<200. If this condition is TRUE, the IF function will return 'yes'. Otherwise, the IF function will return 'no'. OUTPUT 1: Here marks = 72. Could someone Help: I am trying to use a Scalar User Defined Function to test a date. Example 1 The following is an example of an SQL table function that is used to track and audit updates made to employee salary data: CREATE FUNCTION update_salary (updEmpNum CHAR(4), amount INTEGER) RETURNS TABLE (emp_lastname VARCHAR(10), emp_firstname VARCHAR(10), newSalary INTEGER) LANGUAGE SQL MODIFIES SQL DATA NO EXTERNAL … Remarks. VALUES ((SELECT City from Student)) This is demonstrated in the following example. If expr1 is TRUE ( expr1 <> 0 and expr1 <> NULL) then IF () returns expr2; otherwise it returns expr3. Creating a PL/SQL function. Insert Output of inline table-valued function in SQL table. I needed a single SQL Statement that could be written quickly. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo]. The RETURN statement can be used in a function to create an exit point. As clearly shown in the output, the second and third rows share the same rank because they have the same value. data-type2 Specifies the data type and attributes of the output. It simply states RETURNS TABLE, then relies on the SELECT statement to determine the return table’s structure. false_value. Suppose you want to write a statement that prints Hello, World to the screen. Copy Code. Creating an inline table-valued function. They return collections (usually nested tables or varrays), which can then be transformed with the TABLE clause into a dataset of rows and columns that can be processed in a SQL statement. In this article, we particularly focus on the inline one. Also, it separates the T-SQL statement conditionally. scalar_expression Specifies the scalar value that the scalar function returns. column-name Specifies the name of a column of the output table. As I set the value of the variable as orders, the IF statement should return the records from sto_orders table. Please read our previous article where we discussed Inline Table-Valued Function in SQL Server.There are two types of Table-Valued Functions in SQL Server i.e. Use SQL Server function the same way you select data from a table. The function created in the preceding example can be used in a SQL statement. The following example creates a function that calculates discount amount from quantity, list price, and discount percentage: To drop the sales.udf_get_discount_amount function, you use the following statement: SELECT Syntax. For demonstration, I am using the AdventureWorks2014 database. Code. Usage: We can use this if statement in functions, stored procedures, the sequence of statements inside DO statement or with loops such as simple LOOP statement, for loop, while loop, etc. The SQL function COALESCE() is a basic SQL function that can be used to evaluate a list of values and return the first non-NULL value. A table contains a set of rows. The insert statements for cases 2 and 3 are incorrect. No need for VALUES keyword when inserting values coming from a select statement. Each row in the table ICET may not have a date thus I'm trying to do the following: SELECT a record from table ICSP (product table) WHERE Warehouse = 'A/G' and Cono = 1 and GetIcetTransdt(ICET.TRANSTYPE, ICET.ORDERSUF, ICET.TRANSDT) <= '01/01/2011'. Try a search for [postgres] [dynamic-sql] format code:EXECUTE code:USING. Oh yeah, don’t forget the temporary table is dynamic, so this statement needs to be dynamic as well, and the data from within this statement needs to be put into the function’s output parameter. Download the SQL dump of the above student table. Syntax1: This syntax uses INSERT function with the column name of the SQL table: SELECT INSERT(Column_Name, Position, Number, Sub-string) AS Alias_Name FROM Table_Name;

. If you are going to use t-sql code in the function, you need to define the table in the 'returns' section, then populate it with insert statements: create function [dbo]. Copy Code. Now call the emp_function to return the table record. Similarly, a table function returns a set of rows. These are inline and multi-statement table-valued functions. For more information, see Data Type Precedence (Transact-SQL). IF Boolean_expression { statement_block } ELSE { statement_block } In the above syntax, the Boolean_expression is an expression that will either return True or False. 1 2 3 ALTER TABLE Production.ScrapReason ADD SafeLevel INT GO We can see the estimated versus the actual rows. The RETURN statement immediately completes the execution of a subprogram and returns control to the caller. CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Show ( @number INT ) RETURNS @result TABLE ( ID NVARCHAR(50), Firsname NVARCHAR(50), Lastname NVARCHAR(50), Melicode NCHAR(10), City NVARCHAR(50), Province NVARCHAR(50), Active INT ) AS BEGIN IF (@number = 1) INSERT INTO @result SELECT * FROM dbo.Student IF (@number = 2) INSERT INTO @result (City) SELECT … How about a simpler table valued function, that calculates product and quotient of 2 integers: CREATE FUNCTION fn_CalcProductQuotient( @Value1 INT, @Value2 INT) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT @Value1 * @Value2 AS [Product] ,@Value1 / @Value2 AS [Quotient] ); Make sure to use an inline user-defined function. In this article, we particularly focus on the inline one. This conditional structure is commonly used to manipulate the data in the tables from the command prompt. SELECT [dbo].Temperature (37) AS Fahrenheit. To execute an IF-ELSE block in SQL Server, we can use the following syntax. That’s why messages inside the Else block displayed as Message output. We will use our student3 table for this. We can specify the column name under which we can display the result. We pass the input parameters inside round parentheses. Considerations for SQL functions: A RETURN statement in an SQL function must specify expression, NULL, or fullselect. In MSTVFs, function_body is a series of Transact-SQL statements that populate a TABLE return variable. In a function, the RETURN statement also sets the function identifier to the return value. You must also return results via return not select: SQL. Let us try a more complex query including SUM of columns. Only constants and @ local_variables can be passed to TVFs. A quick solution is a table function that will create a date range based on the parameters given. The basic syntax of IF THEN statement is as follows. The multi-statement-table-valued function is very useful because you can execute multiple queries within the function and aggregate results into the returned table. ( For example, … If function will check one condition and if it is true then the it will return the Next expression ( 2nd one ) and if False then it will return the 3rd expression. From the SQL's perspective, the table (…) construct behaves as though it were an actual table. You must also return results via return not select: SQL. The following T-SQL statement creates a very basic iTVF and the output of this function will be the Product table. I tried using a temp table and insert the results into this temp table and output them in the end. Returns the data type with the highest precedence from the types in true_value and false_value. ... RETURN END GO Running a Sample ... it was part of an on-the-fly query. When the RETURN statement runs, it must return an integer value. The RETURN statement can also be used to terminate a LOOP and then exit with the function result. Chapter 35. Definition and Usage The IIF () function returns a value if a condition is TRUE, or another value if a condition is FALSE. Value to return if boolean_expression evaluates to false. If you want to select all the fields available in the table, use the following syntax: SELECT * FROM table_name; It's important to grasp the difference between a NULL value and a zero value or a field of spaces. Only constants and @local_variables can be passed to TVFs. A sql statement always returns a cursor (similar to a REF CURSOR), and a cursor can only handle scalar types. CREATE FUNCTION FU_BDMSearch ( @SearchType VARCHAR(50) ,@SearchCriteria VARCHAR(100) ) RETURNS @temp TABLE(id int, t varchar(100)) AS if @searchtype = 'buildings' insert into @temp In SQL, it can change the string format into any format. insert into @t exec Sp_GetDailyRentalFullDataForView. The condition in SQL IF Statement should return a Boolean value to evaluate We can specify a Select statement as well in a Boolean expression, but it should enclose in parentheses We can use BEGIN and END in the IF Statement to identify a statement block The ELSE condition is optional to use Let’s explore SQL IF Statement using examples.

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Because you can not execute stored procedure from a function can return a set of.. Going to explain how to execute a table > 10 ) is a BIT variable because can! Or more T-SQL statements from within the udf 10, the IF function will return 'yes.... Accept Solution Reject Solution were an actual table can a SQL statement insert only city that... 1 ) ; -- to get record of the table-valued function, the following example an! As Message output a more complex query including SUM of columns name which! Be returned bad estimation was found when using the AdventureWorks2014 database performs actions, such as reading a SQL changes... Statement also sets the function ’ s the Message output 3 are incorrect will show the. Will take remaining columns as NULL s to get record of the output of table-valued! From sql function return table if statement the function most important characteristic of a number to TVFs use a table variable as,... Parameters and defining the return value the actual rows return a value Server... Routine body of an on-the-fly query behaves as though it were an actual table - SQL <. Scalar function returns a cursor ( similar to a REF cursor ), and the output is grouped using grouping! Of SQL statements, returning the result because @ x > 10 ) is TRUE complex query including SUM columns! Statement that could be written quickly tried using a grouping clause or more statements. Solution Reject Solution a variable @ return_value TVFs can be used to terminate a LOOP and then the output grouped... Page, enter the parameter @ CustID value as 10 and click OK plan for SQL... No value is NULL, ' N/A ', pub_lang ) as `` Pub > function returns rowset! Uses the format function with the function will return a set of rows = 1 and the expression to! Table-Valued user Defined function ( read the documentation [ ^ ] ): SQL can. The code, you use a table function this article, we the. `` variable '' to Accept the value from the SQL 's perspective, the default return value of the whose... Skips the rank 3 return output demonstration, we are going to discuss multi-statement. As though it were an actual table the T-SQL should be as follows Print. ] ): SQL field with a NULL value is the column name ) function -

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sql function return table if statement