Castsequences follow all the normal rules but have modifiers to reset the cycle back to the beginning. Posted on: 09-21-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 16116 times /castsequence reset=time/skill/combat (this determins what resets your macro to its starting point. ctrl - Hold ctrl while clicking macro for castsequence to reset (works in 6.0) Example -- This will cast Seal of Light, followed by Judgement of Wisdom. /castsequence allows you to create a rotation of abilities to be used in normal Macros. Try the below one, but be prepared for that last MB not to work. use to be like: #Showtooltip /castsequence reset=60 Hunters Mark, Explosive shot /petattack what i want it to do is to open up with HM and then stay with Explsove shot for 60 seconds. But you can do something like: /castsequence reset=4 Void Bolt, (Other_spell), (Other_spell), (Other_spell), (Other_spell) This will let you cast VB every 4 sec and fill the time with the other spell. /castsequence reset=10 multi-shot, steady shot, steady shot, steady shot This uses multi-shot whenever possible, and steady shot between cooldowns. any ideas on how to do this? Dale a "Mostrar más" para ver la descripción.Curso de macros WoW#3 Castsequence.Ya hemos hablado de hacer macros que al lanzar habilidades no nos cambie el o. -- 2 minutes after the last keypress, it will reset and cast Seal of Light again. before the ability names, tried everything. on my druids i run reset=target because when i click on a toon to heal it does /focus [target=mouseover] /target [target=mouseover] PET PASSIVE / PET COMEBACK /petpassive. Although timer seems to be limited to 1 second precision. Macro help using modifier with castsequence Hi, I'm trying to make a castsequence macro that executes a lava burst then its followed up with either chain lighting (using a modifier crtl) or lightning bolt (no mod), but this macro only sends out lightning bolt.. /castsequence reset=30 Crimson Vial, Abyssal Healing Potion, Healthstone #3 As Elvenbane said, not possible. This would probably be the macro I would use on my . /castsequence reset=target/combat PW:S, MB, SW:P, MF, MB, shoot, MB. For example, I had my prot pally's holy shield macro'ed to a castsequence (before the constant "whoosh"ing sound of me spamming that button made me want to rip my ears out), and I found that, if the button was spammed, the reset could take up to 30 seconds or so before actually . If i spam press my castsequence macro it wont reset, the reset timer will start over each time i press the macro. /castsequence Flash Heal; Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague; Both of these macros work to a certain extent but not correctly. I need help my cast sequence macro only works some times and dose not reset in 30 sec. MOUSEOVER MACRO. First press => Macro advances to first /castsequence . Back to the base of the thread, /castsequence never was a method to cast on /castsequence reset=11 Rune of Power, Combustion. That said, if what you want is a Castsequence that flips between Moonfire and Sunfire, that resets after a certain amount of Time and when you switch the Target/Exit Combat it would look like this here: just wondering if they changed the reset= in castsequence. A Castsequence can be reset by Time, when you change the Target, Exit the Combat or Push a Modifier. Have any of you noticed that the reset=10 or such on castsequence macros don't ACTUALLY reset at 10 seconds? (It might be necessary to put in another steady shot or two depending on how quickly a character can get through the list.) Either add another MB at the end and deal with the message each time or create a second macro for the end. Can't do a castsequence, since that only applies to spells. Heres the macro i made for warrior arms ( performs normal , numbers to be tuned by blizz ) First of all, remember game is in beta phase /ptr ( some addons working atm ) Did mine with my macro external software logitech gaming software, but ofc you can do it with Corsair Utility Engine, Steelseries Engine, Razer Synapse, Autohotkey, etc… 105 MSEC KEYPRESS THESE MACROS . PET MOVE /petmoveto. 2: /castsequence Crusade STrike. /castsequence reset=5 !Lightning Shield, !Flametongue Weapon If I press control it shows Flametongue Weapon, otherwise it shows the next spell and it resets to Lightning shield after 5 seconds. hello, i created a macro for my priest and it is like this . The reset timer somehow seems to be ignored by the castsequence macro. This player submitted Warlock cast sequence macro for Wow is a basic casting sequence through most of your damage dealing spells. Macro for Wow: Trinket cast sequence for PVE. Yep, I just looked it up and it counts from the last click. Check out cogwheel's post on macros in the official wow macro forums. To reset the sequence if something messes up, just push the shift button. Macro Tags: cast sequence. /castsequence reset=30 Piercing Howl, Hamstring This will cast Hunter's Mark, followed by Aimed Shot, and will reset to Hunter's Mark if the player changes targets after casting it: /castsequence reset=target Hunter's Mark, Aimed Shot BUT, it never hurts to build some /castsequence macros and test it out. So..if you found a sequence like that, you can sort of imitate the /castsequence macro as long as cds are manageable. Es lässt sich nicht gut beim Laufen auslösen, da der Char scheinbar dauernd zum Ziel hinlaufen will (wobei man beide Zauber sogar im Laufen rückwärts abschiessen kann, wenn man sie normal auslöst) und obendrein . Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. /castsequence [@mouseover,harm][harm] reset=3 Scatter Shot, Trap Launcher, !Freezing Trap /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() This is my basic Scatter-Trap macro. /castsequence reset=2.03 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot /use [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show() That's the macro, and all you'll need to change is the third line "/castsequence reset=X.XX" replace that "X.XX" with your ranged attack speed. For example, I had my prot pally's holy shield macro'ed to a castsequence (before the constant "whoosh"ing sound of me spamming that button made me want to rip my ears out), and I found that, if the button was spammed, the reset could take up to 30 seconds or so before actually . If the que's are long (10mins or so) I usually go outside Orgrimaar and duel. #showtooltip /cast [target=yourname] Spell Name. /castsequence reset=10 Gouge, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike, Sinister Strike Gouge Cooldown matches the reset timer of the sequence. Conclusion This is how to build a macro for your current gear/spec/conditions around you. You can use this macro to sync your weapons back up, by pressing it at the correct moments. Check out cogwheel's post on macros in the official wow macro forums. Should work for farming or grinding. This macro is just trying to make your character cast both spells at same time. /cast Fireball. Judgement, Crusade STrike (check spell name, not sure I wrote right) Jud and CT have fixed CD, 2 Cru > 1 Jud so you can castsequence them to 1 button. You can have any time in the reset, as long as it is over 2-3 seconds, to allow you to place Grace of Air Totem immediately after Windfury Totem. it's simply "reset=5". Judgement on CD is good but Consecration is a filler now. 3rd click Block 1 - Arcane Shot. Best be is modifiers IMO. Art of War and Divine Storm can not predict and it will screwup any rotation: 1: for Exorcism. before the Freezing Trap allows me to spam . PET ATTACK /petattack. Thus, I am forced to use prep before Vanish. /castsequence reset=10 Arcane blast, Arcane Barrage, Alter time, Frost nova, Arcane blast, Arcane barrage After the macro reaches and activates alter time (since it's already been activated by the 1st macro, it's cancelled in this one) it stucks there and wont proceed on casting frost nova. /cast Frostbolt. castsequence reset problem Hi all, I have a problem here. Post by Aether I found a nice thread at Elitest Jerks that shows damage per cast time on all the spells in heroic level 80 gear. This /castsequence guide is for building macros under fixed Auto Shot gap conditions. Time is measured in seconds, skill is the name of the skill that resets it, and combat is..well.. leaving combat.) In fact, you can chain together abilities and items using this one command. 4th click Block 2 - Cobra Shot. Click - mouse or keyboard Block 1 - Arcane Shot; 2nd click Block 2 - Spiked Arrow. i see alot of peoples question that can be answered by spending 15 or so min just reading that on post. [Macro] castsequence and modifiers ti83magic 12 years ago #1 hey folks, hope you can help me on this one :) I'm noticing I'm beginning to have trouble with the amount of abilities I'm getting as a DK, so I wanted to map certain abilities I use fairly often to a single button. A macro can only execute a single GCD per press, and it'll try to cast the first one it sees. Nothing for one set, shift for a second set, control for a 3rd set, etc. /castsequence reset=8 Windfury Totem, Grace of Air Totem; With this macro, you can have a single button for your Totem Twisting rotation, saving you a keybind. STOP CASTING /stopcasting . It would reset to Charge after 15 seconds of starting. Yes, but it requires you to have gnome sequencer enhanced mod installed and to make 2 separate macros that were made using that mod (only 1 macro needs to be put in the bar but both macros must be made and usable). This macro would cast hemorrhage 5 times, and then follow with an eviscerate, resetting to start casting hemo again. TBC introduced a new macro event called CastSequence. Using the macro: /castsequence reset=combat !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, !Auto Shot, Steady Shot Hitting the macro once to start autos, waiting around 10s, and then hitting it again casts a Steady Shot. You'll notice that Immolate is nearly twice the damage of Shadow Bolt The topic has derailed slightly, so on topic, I actually don't use any Affliction specific macros. Use "reset=x" where x is the number of seconds. reset=0.3 means that you have to press macro in 0.3 seconds from first use or it's reset. Now in my mapped key i use flame shock in step one and after 10 seconds it goes over to step two in which flame shock isnt executed. If you keep pressing it, it won't reset, but if you press it and then wait x seconds, it will reset. Charge would be used first on the macro, then intercept. 5th click Block 1 - Cobra Shot 0. r/wow. /castsequence reset=120 Seal of Light, Judgement of Wisdom Patch 4.0.6 Working I think the reset part of the castsequence reset=x means it resets x seconds after your last action. Pressing /castsequence reset=combat !Auto Shot, Steady Shot once between each auto . Hello @everyone! I sometimes enter the Arena after using Vanish. I need help my cast sequence macro only works some times and dose not reset in 30 sec. /castsequence Flash Heal; Shadow Word: Pain, Devouring Plague; Both of these macros work to a certain extent but not correctly. Blizzard broke castsequence macro's years ago because several classes were running One Button Macro builds and Blizzard didn't like . Have any of you noticed that the reset=10 or such on castsequence macros don't ACTUALLY reset at 10 seconds? also the /castsequence reset=60 raise dead works once then never activates again unless I switch targets. CAST SEQUENCE MACRO. Auto-Attack Macro #showtooltip /cast stormstrike . Probably the most (in)famous use of this macro was BM . Totem Twisting Macro /castsequence reset=8 Windfury Totem, Grace of Air Totem This macro saves you a keybind by allowing you to rotate between using Windfury Totem and Grace of Air in a single keybind! -- 2 minutes after the last keypress, it will reset and cast Seal of Light again. tried with a (!) #showtooltip /castsequence [harm] reset=9 Penance, Holy Fire, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite; [help,target=targettarget] reset=9 Penance, Holy Fire, Smite, Smite, Smite, Smite Reply With Quote 2014-06-25, 10:13 AM #2 the problem is when i press the key bind to the macro …. Some other uses: /castsequence [@target] reset=target Corruption, n. /castsequence [@focus] reset=target Corruption, Curse of Tongues,n. This macro will attempt to use all of your cooldowns (trinkets, racial if troll, replace with Blood Fury if Orc and Elemental Mastery ) and cast Chain Lightning , instantly followed by Earth Shock for maximum burst, although the . I need help my cast sequence macro only works some times and dose not reset in 30 sec. So basically. /castsequence reset=target/20 Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt. Here is the new issue. as "1st part of macro" the macro selects an enemy target but it does not attacks it with Smite Spell even if i press the key continuously, but when i move my mouse over the enemy target . So it would never work, unless there's instant non-GCD Frostbolt proc. I need help my cast sequence macro only works some times and dose not reset in 30 sec. The part I want to highlight is: /castsequence reset=3 Scatter Shot, Trap Launcher, !Freezing Trap It has a short reset of 3 seconds, and the ! but for some reason they dont seem to work anymore. /castsequence spell1, spell2, spell3 would cycle from spell1 to spell2 to spell3 to spell1 again. In this macro, 2 command react with mod:alt because with "nomodifier:shift", mod:alt it's ok For other sequence without modifier try this : /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=2 charge, rend /castsequence [nomod] reset=4 Mortal Strike, Colossus smash, overpower, heroic strike or /castsequence [mod:alt] reset=2 charge, rend It was then removed in WOTLK and has never been brought back. /castsequence reset=300 Vanish, Prep. It does not reset properly. They work perfectly fine when a friendly target for the Flash Heal. /castsequence reset=0.4 1,2,3,4,Exorcism(Rank 9) /castsequence reset=0.4 1,2,3,Judgement of Wisdom /castsequence reset=0.4 1,2,Crusader Strike /castsequence reset=0.4 1,Divine Storm /cast Judgement of Wisdom-----ONE-CLICK macro for Retri with Shadowmourn: (for RHC where u need more AoE without Exorcism) /cancelaura Chaos Bane /castsequence . I need help "/castsequence macro". So it would work (and not reset after 4 GCD's), but it's still a terrible macro. 1y. SELF CASTING MACRO. target - You changed target combat - You entered or exited combat <number> - The number of seconds since the last click (works in 6.0) alt - Hold alt while clicking macro for castsequence to reset (works in 6.0) /castsequence Icefury, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock, Frost Shock I've tried with different reset timers etc. 1y. Me thats just been to long away from wow or? Use 4 button and u can spam it. They work perfectly fine when a friendly target for the Flash Heal. Ein einfaches Macro a la "/castsequence reset=combat Reißende Flut, Feuerball" sorgt bei mir allerdings auch für Probleme. With reset=4, that will only leave you small window to cast Frostbolt (reset time - fireball cast time = time you have left to begin casting frostbolt). Expects that this will be on a normal macro ( in ) famous use of this macro working... Arcane Shot ; 2nd click Block 2: /castsequence reset=target 0, Action_2 would use my... 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I AM forced to use RoP, then press it again within 11 seconds if I also to! And test it out Charge, Intercept s post on macros in the wow. /Castsequence macros and test it out make this /Click ActionButton1 /Click ActionButton2 ActionButton3... Save when I press the macro … hunter probably shouldn & # x27 ; s post on macros the... Famous use of this macro would cast hemorrhage 5 times, and then follow an...

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castsequence reset macro