I also applied judgment which is a fundamental component of creative thinking to select the most appropriate solution (Parnes, 1981). Divergent thinking will take a problem apart to analyze it, hoping to solve it. There is nothing in between these two answers which he might want to choose. Divergent thinking, in order to be successful, must be open, expansive and free-flowing. Before we delve into the specifics of Prism's ideation and how it relates to creative thinking theories, you will need to understand what divergent . JJ's using shapes and lines to write and illustrate where she chooses. With the time ticking away, you narrow your options down to a final selection. Creative Problem Solving requires both divergent and convergent thinking, but not at the same time. inability to engage in divergent problem solving associated RGs solved an average of 91% (SD =. On the other hand, Convergent Thinking lays more emphasis on logic rather than free-flowing. Get your custom essay on. convergent thinking and divergent thinking, as well as insight. Contrarily, divergent thinking is web-like - creating connections between ideas. Think of this as finding the way forward using logic and from tried and tested techniques. Guilford's theory of the structure of human intellect identified three factors of intelligence that help define a person's overall intellectual ability. American psychologist JP Guilford coined the terms in the 1950s, which take their names from the problem solving processes they describe. 2. 3. Divergent thinking is employed when an individual is faced with an open-ended task (examples were given earlier—"How can a brick be used?"). Convergent Thinking Example . You present them with the following two questions: Which word. These are perfect for going beyond mere memorization to true thinking. Convergent Thinking. Convergent thinking is often used in conjunction with divergent thinking. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. There are two fundamental thinking tools that are very different and, at the same time, very useful in the process of Creative thinking. 2. Divergent thinking is followed by convergent thinking, in which you assess, judge, and strengthen those options, and then decide what to keep and how to proceed. Pro Tip: Divergent Thinking invites all sorts of crazy ideas hence it boosts up the employee morale and improves the planning and execution process. A more complex example of convergent thinking is providing a student with a range of potential solutions to a problem, asking the student to evaluate each solution and determine the most appropriate solution to solve the problem. Convergent thinking is most often described in . Convergent Example I live four miles from work. Divergent thinking is defined as producing a diverse assortment of appropriate responses to an open-ended question or task in which the product is not completely determined by the information . This is great for analysing and dissecting. Difference between Convergent . Convergent and divergent teaching methods are parts of teaching at the preschool . Reference. (Puccio & Cabra, 2010) Convergent thinking also played a role in solving the problem. 25 examples: The two approaches have been on increasingly divergent paths for several… Convergent production is the deductive generation of the best single answer to a set problem, usually where there is a compelling inference. If convergent thinking is applied then after, the very best answer can be picked out from the multiple solutions resulted due to divergent thinking. By asking open questions it encourages more information and more thinking from the students compared to if they had to just answer just a simple yes or no. Some examples of Divergent tools include brainstorming, keeping a journal, freewriting and mind or subject mapping. Convergent thinking brings together all the information and knowledge focused on the solution of the problem that has a well-defined correct answer. 'Think left and think right and think low and think high. With a proper use of this tool you can go from having individual, separated and secluded ideas to having a few ideas that the team has agreed to. Instead, using convergent thinking to first identify a promising area to explore (biodiesel, hydrogen, electricity, etc. For example, a convergent person will only think of being healthy and sick. Bodie's Heart Made in Vacation Bible School - 2 years old Is this a convergent or divergent learning activity? Neither one is exactly more superior as compared to the other. Convergent thinking is also known as critical, vertical, analytical or linear thinking. Convergent thinking is a fundamental tool in a child's education.Today, most educational opportunities are tied to one's performance on standardized tests that are often multiple choice in nature. You're reading a play or novel as a class, and the protagonist faces a major problem. In divergent thinking, the learner evaluates the task or the problem as a stimulus that would lead to the solution. Using a teaching method at the preschool level may seem trivial to some because youngsters just seem to want to play all the time. The rational in this tool is to use Divergent thinking to "produce" ideas and then . For example, when taking exams that are objective, we employ convergent thinking. Both types of thinking are important. When a student contemplates the possible answers available, they use convergent thinking to weigh alternatives within a construct. Divergent Thinking is more of an instinctual type of thought, whereas Convergent Thinking relies on speed and efficiency while focusing on a single solution to a problem. A basic example of convergent thinking is determining the answer to a multiple choice question. While different in concept, convergent and divergent thinking go hand-in-hand. Bubble mapping, creating artwork, maintaining a journal, subject mapping, devoting some time to meditation and thinking, and building lists of questions are all examples of activities that trigger divergent thinking. In this manner, they are correlated. Convergent thinking helps people see things from one point of view, whereas divergent thinking encourages people to see things from many different points of view. The opposite of divergent thinking is convergent thinking. Convergent Thinking Now, let's go back to the first example. convergent thinking and divergent thinking. Convergent Thinking Example . There was divergent thinking happening - each person was coming up with an "out of the box" idea. The divergent thinking leader heads off in any direction and deliberately diverges from the conventional or standard method. The definitions of convergent and divergent thinking Convergent and divergent thinking are opposites, but both have places in your daily lessons. It's important to mention that, at this stage, no ideas are bad, everything should be freely generated. You can run this as a think-pair-share activity. There was measure divergent thinking). In data-driven, logical professions, this type of thinking is most prevalent: architecture, software engineering, financial planning, and so on. Divergent thinking is the opposite of convergent thinking; this refers to the process of finding alternative routes or approaches to generate new ideas and in problem-solving (Atherton, 2005). It is process-oriented and needs prolonged decision time. Legos without any directions are another example of an opportunity for divergent thinking. . Divergent Questions. Divergent thinking is a creative process of exploring many possible solutions to a problem. In other words, convergent thinking involves placing together and combining the different pieces of a problem or topic being discussed and into a single, organized structure. The divergent phase is non-linear and needs "chaos time". Let's focus on divergent questions. Is it rainy? The prompts on the Think blog also will get kids creatively problem-solving. In divergent thinking, the learner evaluates the task or the problem as a stimulus that would lead to the solution. Divergent thinking takes place in a free-flowing, spontaneous manner and creates varieties of possible resolutions to another problem. Implement a collaborative WMS: Technology is . STVP Executive Director Tina Seelig explains the difference between convergent and divergent thinking, and identifies how the latter allows individuals to create an infinite number of answers to a problem. He does not criticize nor judge the flow but let his team explore possibilities. Organizations that encourage innovation consciously give weightage to both these thinking processes. Most math problems require convergent thinking; they offer pieces of information, and you arrive at a single conclusion. Divergent Thinking vs. Convergent Thinking It's important not to confuse divergent thinking with convergent thinking, a problem-solving strategy that is more often taught in schools. You make choices by considering a range of factors. If the partial sums Sn of an infinite series tend to a limit S, the series is called convergent. Analyzing two different answers to a question to determine which answer is best. Convergent tools on the other hand, implies that we take several ideas and put them together in a way they can be related. Convergent thinking, identified by Joy Paul Guildford in 1957, is the ability to define a single solution to a problem or issue. The main difference between convergent and divergent thinking is that convergent thinking produces a single effective solution while divergent thinking produces multiple creative solutions.. It is the type of thinking we do . It starts from a common point and moves outward in diverging directions to involve a variety of aspects or perspectives. Divergence is the process of thinking broadly; making our mind go outside the box. Try brainstorming and mind mapping Brainstorming and mind mapping are two strategies that inspire divergent thinking because they help you think outside the box and generate new ideas. He analyzes, criticizes, reasons, argues and . Studying for a test that has one specific answer for a question. This phase involves being open to generate ideas and possibilities. 1+1=2) is a convergent thinking task. Divergent thinking generates multiple ideas that are original, open to more than one solution, and unconcerned with the risks or limitations. Convergent thinking is a process of organizing ideas and thoughts. Here's Gallagher and Ascher's explanation: [In divergent thinking,] the individual is free to generate independently [their] own data within a data-poor situation or to take a new direction or perspective on a . You start out with a bunch of options, and narrow them down to a final answer. It is also looking at an idea from many viewpoints. The convergent thinking leader tries to narrow down options to more preferred choices. Convergent vs. Divergent Thinking. (2012). 2)Explain the different theories in regards to motivation and emotions. Merely defining creativity in 'problem-solution' terms is not the. You could wear pants, shorts, a sweater, or a t-shirt. How hot is it? What follows is an extreme example of divergent thinking. Ensuring that preschoolers receive the correct instruction sets them up for learning for years to come. it's concerned with a specific outcome. Convergent thinking is logical, factual, conventional, and focused on a drag until an answer is found. Convergent thinking isn't bad or unproductive. From this perspective divergent thinking is a kind of problem solving. In convergent industry organizational objectives, policies, and procedures are more universal, and business processes are more greatly interrelated, which can help processes to advance more quickly, communication between departments to be achieved more . A: Divergent thinking is a thought process of gathering spontaneous, non-linear ideas that help explore all the possibilities to tackle an issue. Taking important decisions when reviewing different alternatives when working on a business project and you are the leader. The limiting value S is called the sum of the series. Convergent Thinking. Divergent and convergent thinking can be a structured, time efficient and inclusive way to get ideas from teams. Otherwise it is called divergent. Convergent thinking encourages students to come up with one distinct answer to a question based on the information given to them. TASK 4 Introduction: Today we will be looking on implementing convergent thinking in a company by use of divergent and convergent activities. This may lead to a premature judgment which is the greatest enemy of the creative process. Convergent and divergent thinking are the two types of human response to a set problem that were identified by J. P. Guilford . For example, a convergent person will only think of being healthy and sick. The following are examples of situations when Convergent Thinking is applied by humans in daily life. Divergent thinking is more used than convergent, for example, when the question requires creative thinking and seeks opinion of the person. Money is no object. But just as a driver cannot accomplish anything by accelerating and braking at the same time, project managers cannot find ideal solutions by coming up with ideas and judging them at the same time. [1] Convergent thinking is used as a tool in creative problem-solving. "Convergent questions expect the student to repeat conventional wisdom whereas divergent questions often require new creative insights . Convergent and divergent are complete opposites of each other. The opposite of divergent is convergent. What options do I have to reduce my fuel consumption? As a real world example, Seelig tells the story of the legendary one-word admission . Divergent thinking is used in steps 2 and 3. Convergent and divergent are complete opposites of each other. convergent thinking in which learners critically sift through the collection of possible solutions by considering realistic limitations and feasibility, comparing positive and negative attributes, and evaluating for usefulness. 3. Divergent thinking typically generates alternatives, has free-for-all open discussion, gathers diverse points of view and unpacks the problem. reference point. With convergent thinking, we begin with pieces of information, and we converge around a solution. For us to do well in various tasks, we often need to use these opposite mental processes in conjunction. Divergent Thinking. When faced with a problem, we need to explore differing options (divergence). Convergent thinking pulls all known facts together and examines them logically to find the best final answer. Furthermore, if this is due to an a numerical difference in performance for the convergent task. There is no right answer. Divergent. Spelling tests and standardized multiple-choice tests where each question has only one correct answer are examples of convergent thinking tasks. Convergent thinking brings together all the information and knowledge focused on the solution of the problem that has a well-defined correct answer. Pro Tip: Divergent Thinking invites all sorts of crazy ideas hence it boosts up the employee morale and improves the planning and execution process. Using examples from the field of anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation, this review provides sports and health practitioners with a . Divergent Thinking allows the mind to flow freely in different directions. to explore in multiple, diverse directions a thought space, based on an intial problem or. Unlike convergent thinking, where the individual gives the one correct or conventional response (e.g., "Who won the 1988 World Series?"), divergent thinking leads the . Generating ideas is divergent thinking; evaluating and selecting them is convergent thinking. The three factors (or dimensions) of intelligence are operations, content, and products. Examples of divergent in a sentence, how to use it. In fact, forcing yourself to look at things that you haven't worn in a while is good example of using divergent thinking. If divergent thinking is all about coming up with multiple creative solutions to a problem, convergent thinking is about evaluating a problem and coming up with one correct answer 6 . Convergent tools on the other hand, implies that we take several ideas and put them together in a way they can be related. Before learning how he overcomes it, ask the class to think of as many solutions as possible. The concept of divergent and convergent thinking was created by J.P. Guilford to term different types of psychological operations while problem solving. The terms convergent and divergent thinking came from American psychologist JP Guilford in the 1950s. A convergent person will only be thinking in two ways: it could be done, or it could not be done. There is nothing in between these two answers which he might want to choose. According to Liu, Wang and Yang (2015), divergent thinking is greatly inhibited by cultural aspects, especially in the Western culture where people decide immediately as they are not encouraged to suspend judgment. The three factors (or dimensions) of intelligence are operations, content, and products. The main goal of convergent thinking is finding a single, provable solution to any problem. Many convergent and divergent thinking examples indicate that the organization that gives equal importance to both is likely to be more successful. The first step — Identify the problem — starts the entire process. The Ideation Process. Divergence and Convergence The convergent phase is goal-oriented and Some examples of Divergent tools include brainstorming, keeping a journal, freewriting, scamper, hits and mind or subject mapping. It provides clarity in making a good decision. My car gets 30 MPG. Divergent and Convergent Tools. Convergent thinking attacks the problem head on, and tries to solve the whole of it. For example, find answers to the question What is the sum of the internal . Bjork, J. Continuing with the (admittedly whimsical) example of making a link between spaghetti and reinforcing rods via divergent thinking, Table 2 gives examples of processes of divergent and convergent . The two terms convergent thinking and divergent thinking were coined by the psychologist Joy Paul Guilford in 1956. Information might be a question, a problem, pieces of evidence, or data. Convergent. Here are four opportunities to encourage divergent thinking, and how to do so: 1. By gathering various bits of information, he was able to put the pieces of a puzzle together and come up with a logical answer to the question of "Who done it?" A convergent person will only be thinking in two ways: it could be done, or it could not be done. But they were quickly getting shot down. A series which have finite sum is called convergent series.Otherwise is called divergent series. Asking open questions rather than closed ones and asking divergent as well as convergent questions. it's concerned with a specific outcome. Convergent thinking is logical, factual, conventional, and focused on a drag until an answer is found. Convergent thinking is a process of laser focusing on a single solution to a problem. By taking active steps to think about your thinking, you may realize that divergent thinking comes more naturally. In brief, these are two opposite ways of thinking. After divergent thinking we need to find ideas that can turn into action. JJ's Book Cover - 3 years old Is this a convergent or divergent learning activity? 2. While this is of course an extreme example, it shows the importance of combining both divergent and convergent methods of thinking to solve complicated problems. Start studying Convergent vs Divergent Thinking. Brainstorming, free writing, keeping a journal and mind-mapping are examples of divergent thinking. Examples of Convergent and Divergent Thinking Suppose that you were teaching a group of first graders how to detect rhyming words. The final solution was as a result of bringing together different ideas to find a single practical solution (Pickren, 2000). Examples of convergent thinking include: 1. Divergent thinking then is about the ideas phase, creating solutions that are . Divergent thinking refers to the ability. [6] The terms convergent and divergent thinking came from American psychologist JP Guilford in the 1950s. Implement a collaborative WMS: Technology is . On the other hand, divergent thinking is a type of response to a problem in which a person uses the principles, information, and ideas of several . Divergent Thinking. study-guide-for-divergent 3/3 This mode of thinking emphasizes speed, logic and accuracy. It's necessary! An example of divergent thinking is taking a pile of blocks and using them to create as many designs as you can. 3. Divergent thinking is the opposite of convergent thinking; this refers to the process of finding alternative routes or approaches to generate new ideas and in problem-solving (Atherton, 2005). Answer: Divergent Thinking is the ability to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions in an effort to find one that works. Thus, Divergent thinking is relevant in creativity since it generates a big pile of ideas. Trying to do both at once is a mess. Divergent thinking is the process of devising more than one solution for a problem statement. The goal of divergent thinking is to focus on a subject, in a free-wheeling way, to think of solutions that may not be obvious or predetermined. The deductive reasoning Sherlock Holmes used in solving mysteries is a good example of convergent thinking. Difference between Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking Both convergent and divergent thinking are vital in our lives. The main difference is that you have no limitations or restrictions when you engage in divergent thinking. Here's an example of the same problem framed for divergent and convergent thinking: Divergent Example I live four miles from work. Lets look at some examples of convergent and divergence series . (Attitude) Imagine a big bang, an explosion of ideas. Here's an example of a divergent learning activity: The worksheet asks kids to think and reflect and change their thinking WITHOUT HAVING ANY RIGHT ANSWERS. Design thinking involves two types of thinking, viz. The three types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. Divergent and convergent thinking are opposite thought processes. All ideas are valid for idea stimulation in divergent thinking. This opens in a new window. Guilford's theory of the structure of human intellect identified three factors of intelligence that help define a person's overall intellectual ability. Convergent thinking is the type of thinking that focuses on coming up with the single, well-established answer to a problem. In simple terms, a basic math problem (e.g. Divergent thinking unfolds and broadens; convergent thinking narrows down and focuses, filtering the set of I want to use less fuel in my commute for financial and conservation reasons. One needs to think of many solutions to a common problem statement and then arrive at the correct and the best solution. The person that was critiquing their argument was in "convergent thinking" mode. 3.. 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divergent and convergent thinking examples