When: Friday September 6th to Sunday the 8th
Where : Cheesequake State Park Matawan, NJ
Who: Scouts/Parents and Siblings
Weather Contingencies: Unless weather is severe trip will go on as described.
Fee: For scouts and siblings under the age of 12 $45.00. 12 and Above $65.00. There is a fee of $5 to rental a pole on the boat but I have asked them to wave this fee. No answer yet from them.
Registration Closes Sept 2nd.
Capacity: 25 people.
Registration Page: http://www.troop49oakland.org/survey/index.php/296191?lang=en
Payment Page: https://www.thepathfinders.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Fishing-TRip-2019.pdf
Details: By request Troop 49 is going fishing! Fleet 49 will depart OLPH at 5pm Friday September 6th. We will head down to the GSP South to Exit 120: Laurence Harbor Matawan. Bring your dinner as you will most likely will eat on the road. Once the troop is settled in at the campsite dessert will be provided. The Dorothy B the boat we will be going on offers two trips on Saturday. We are most likely taking the afternoon trip 1:30-6:00. This means a hot breakfast, cold lunch and hot dinner Saturday. In our down time scouts/sibling can fish in the lake at the campsite (technically licenses are required for those 16 and older). Sunday will be a grab and go breakfast and ETA at OLPH at 11am. Scouts have opportunity to work on the Fishing Merit Badge, earn tent nights and work on the Cooking Merit Badge. We will be traveling light as the troop trailer will not be with us. The troop will be going old school with patrol boxes holding cooking gear and supplies.
- Positive Attitude, Adaptability
- Tent
- Sleeping bag
- Sleeping pad
- Headlamp
- Water bottles or bladder
- Mess kit – no trailer, so no paper supplies.
- Duffel or backpack – lined with trash bag or pack contents in zip-lock bags
- Rain Gear – Hopefully stays in your bag
- Proper shoes for the boat – No flip flops
- Fleece
- Hat
- Sun Screen
Reference websites: State Park – https://www.state.nj.us/dep/parksandforests/parks/cheesequake.html
Fishing Boat – https://www.dorothyb.com/
Scoutmaster in Charge
Lynda Angus