Camp Ranachqua 2019
Troop registration:
Merit Badge Registration:
Payment Page: Camp Ranachqua MB Reg Form
Merit Badge list/schedule:
Dates to remember:
Now through April 30 – Register! Deposits have already been made on behalf of a projected number of scouts. Hopefully, at least that many scouts will register to ensure our prime location at the camp!
April 1 – Registration is now open for merit badge signups. However, you NEED to use the above Merit Badge Registration form and send it to Mr. Fishman. This is a change from prior years, but is how the Greater New York Council handles the MB process. Additional information in the form needs to be filled out as it was not collected in the Troop Registration process. Please don’t leave any fields blank, except if your MB is longer than the half-hour block. You do not need to list your selection twice for the hour.
May 17 – Early bird deadline (fees go up $30.00 after this date!)
Council’s deadline is May 31; we need time to pay from the Troop Treasury.
August 4 – 10 (Week 5) – Summer Camp!!!
Camp Fees:
Important Note: Do not make payments directly to the Greater NY Council. All Payments will be handled through Troop 49 to reduce additional accounting work on both sides. The Early Bird Deadline for the new camp is much later than Turrell’s. Therefore, it is expected that everyone pays the Troop by our Early Bird Date of May 17th.
There are two different prices for camp depending on what your scouts’ week’s plan is. If traditional camp, the cost is $430. However if he is taking advantage of the Eagle Week badges (see MB schedule) or a High Adventure Trek (Scouts at least 13 years old or have completed the 7th grade,) the fee will be $445.
This is BEFORE the Troop 49 summer camp subsidy.
Regular Camp | High Adventure Trek OR Eagle Camp | |
Cost per scout (Early Bird Rate)t: | $430 | $445 |
Less Troop Subsidy: | – $50 | – $50 |
Discounted total cost per scout: | $380 | $395 |
The cost of attending summer camp can be significant, as such, Troop 49 and the Greater NY Council offer financial assistance to those who are interested and qualify. Any questions concerning Campership forms and/or eligibility please contact either Tendai Richards at, Paul Burns at or Simon Fishman at All inquiries will be held strictly confidential.
Medical Forms:
BSA MEDICAL FORMS PARTS A, B & C: Each scout is required to have completed BSA medical forms Part A, B & C in order to attend summer camp at Turrell.
Those forms can be accessed directly from the homepage or here.
Medical forms already completed for your Scout between August 31 and today will cover your scout for this trip. The Boy Scouts require forms that are less than one year old form the date we are attending Ranachqua. Per New York State law, BSA camps NOW require the line on Form B beneath the medication list to be signed or stamped by the physician and signed by the parent. They will not let scouts in to camp without these signatures if there is ANY medication listed. Camps face stiff fines if not in compliance with this law. You will not be able to get a variance for this requirement. Note that Form C is required to be completed and signed by a physician. Please do not wait to schedule an appointment with your son’s doctor – better to get it over and done if possible.
For more information regarding Camp Ranachqua please visit Ten Mile River camp site.
Yours in scouting,
Simon Fishman
If you have any other questions, contact Mr. Simon Fishman at