Eagle Candidates
Life to Eagle process – Please review this Life to Eagle Document for your preparation for the rank of Eagle Scout. It contains many different things you must do in order to complete the requirements for the Rank of Eagle Scout.
Advancement Records – The troop Advancement Chairperson keeps records of all your activities, although you may also want to keep your own copy as well. For your convenience, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet is available for you to record your activities and progress. To download the template, right-mouse button click on this Advancement Tracker Spreadsheet link, and select “Save target as”. Save the file to your local computer, and you can edit the file in Microsoft Excel.
Eagle Scouts
Congratulations!!! Now that you’ve completed your Trail to Eagle, the troop needs to prepare for your ceremony. There are a number of things to prepare for on your side, as well. Please review the following information, complete the questionnaire. If you have any questions, please contact our Eagle Ceremony coordinator, Mrs. Peggy Cameron at cameronm@optonline.net
Ceremony Choices – All ceremonies contain the Eagle Oath and Eagle Charge. When you let Mrs. Cameron know which script you would like to use, she will work with you to “fill in the blanks” on participation roles, dignitaries, etc.
- Voice of the Eagle – In this ceremony, the “Voice of the Eagle” presents a narrative of the scout’s trail to Eagle, highlighting the scout’s credentials as specific events in the Scout’s journey.
- Eagle Court – In this ceremony, the scout is presented before a “court” which reviews elements of the Scout Law in reference to the scout’s credentials.
- “Simple” Ceremony – This ceremony includes a review of the scout’s credentials, the Eagle Oath and Eagle Charge.
Invitation Template (added 01/15/12) – Families are obligated to print their own invitations. The troop will announce the Eagle Ceremony in the weekly Pathfinder Email, and the troop will also handle the invitation of dignitaries to the events. Dignitaries include the President of the United States on down to our local Mayor and Council of Oakland.
For your convenience, a Microsoft Word 2010 document template is available, formatted to the size and layout of the Eagle Ceremony invitation card stock available through BSA Supply which can be purchased at the scout shop in Oakland, or at www.scoutstuff.org. To download the template, right-mouse button click on this Invitation Template link, and select “Save target as”. Save the file to your local computer, and you can edit the file in Microsoft Word 2010.